
乎语百科 269 0


1、AML = All my love 我所有的爱。

2、AYS = Are you serious? 你认真的吗?

3、ATB = All the Best 最好的。

4、AYW = As you wish 如你所愿。

5、YAB=You are best?你真棒。


AOTS = All of the sudden 突然

ATST = At the same time 同时

AYCE = All you can eat 你都可以吃

ABT2 = Meaning"about to’ 将……

ADBB = All done, bye-bye 完了,再见

AEAp = As early as possible 越早越好

AFAp = As far as possible 越远越好

AMBW = All my best wishes 我最美好的祝福

AISB = As it should be 它本应这样……

AISB = As I said before 像我之前说的

ALOL = Actually laughing out loud 正在大声笑

AMAp = As much as possible 越多越好

AMOF = As a matter of fact 事实是……

ASAp = As soon as possible 越早越好

AQAp = As quick as possible 越快越好

AYDY = Are you done yet? 你完事了没?

AYEC = At your earliest convenience 你最方便的时候


CEL是cell phone的缩写,是电话/手机的意思。

cell phone:

n 1.蜂窝式便携无线电话,大哥大? 2.手机




cellphone dependence disease?手机依赖症(一种新型心理疾病,尤其青睐青年白领女性、业务担子重的中年男人和学生三类人)

a touch screen cellphone?一个触摸屏手机

on the phone?[口]在打电话 在接电话

by phone?打电话

telephone earphone?电话耳机

cellular phone?n.便携式电话

phone code?n. 电话号码

phone Number?电话号码

head phone?头戴式受话器

cordless phone?无绳电话


表达电话除了cell phone,还有mobile phone, hand phone、telephone等词语,在不同的英语国家用法不同,mobile phone和cell phone的使用范围也不一样。mobile phone是英式英语,而cell phone是美式英语。

比如加拿大喜欢用cell phone,澳大利亚喜欢用mobile phone。


mobile是可移动的意思,mobile phone就是指移动式电话。

而cell phone相当于celluar phone,指的是数字蜂窝式电话,都知道手机信号是由移动通讯基站提供的,蜂窝系统就是许多基站构成的无线通讯网络。


LA: Latin America, Lanthanun 镧, Los Angeles, Lousiana

LO: 〈古〉看, 瞧

LV: abbr. Laser Vision 激光视盘

LW: abbr. Left Wing 左翼

lb: abbr. Lebanon 黎巴嫩

LD: abbr. Laser Disc 激光视盘

LE: abbr. Low Explosive 低爆速炸药;Labor Exchange 务实贸易

LF: abbr. Low Frequency 低频;ledger fclio 分类帐页

LI: abbr. Level Indicator 液面指示器

Li: abbr. lithium 锂

li: abbr. Liechtenstein 列支敦士登

LJ: abbr. Lord Justice of Appeal 〈英〉上诉法院法官

LM: abbr. Land Mobile 地上移动式(无线电设备)

Lp: abbr. Labour party 〈英〉工党

Lr:abbr. lawrencium 铹

LS: abbr. Landing Ship 登陆舰

Lt: abbr. light 轻的

lx: 勒[克斯]

标签: # 寓意好的三个字母缩写(三个字的英文缩写要有含义好听的)


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